Meet Rose cordova
Fiery, bilingual Rose Cordova is a Native New Mexican who has successfully worked in the L.A., N.Y.C, and N.M. film markets.
Rose’s first theatre memory is when she was five years old and was in a passion play at church and she got to play a cow! Her Grandmother handmade Rose’s costume out of paper bags, cardboard horns, and holes for the eyes and painted the outside of the bags with cow markings. From that moment on, Rose never looked back. She was in love.
As an animal activist, Rose volunteers a lot of her spare time to rescues, helping with transports and dog walking. Rose is proudly a “foster fail” with several dogs and cats she’s adopted over the years. She loves to spread the inspiration of animal rights to her friends and family, as well as the general public.
Rose also does voice overs and can be heard in several ads and on Audible. Rose loves playing gritty, hard-hitting characters, including the emotionally deep characters that are going through a transition of loss and grief.